
Suda51’s Announces a Killer Remaster

With a room filled with fans of his work, Suda51 took to the stage to thunderous applause. Over the course of the hour-long panel, the audience was given a glimpse of Suda51’s path through the game development industry.

Momocon 2018 had a ton of famous guests appear for a variety of panels, but without a doubt, one of the biggest was Goichi Suda, also known as Suda51. For those who may not have hear of him, Suda51 is a video game designer from Japan, whose more popular works include The Silver Case and the No More Heroes series.

From his time at Human Entertainment, to creating his own company, Grasshopper Manufacture, Suda51 expressed his profound joy that he chose the path of game development.

As the panel came to a close, there was still one big ticket item that the entire audience was waiting for. Everyone in attendance had heard that Suda51 had a surprise in store, and when the time came to reveal it, the crowd went wild.

With everyone anxiously awaiting, Suda51 revealed a trailer for Killer7 (which you can see here), announcing that the game was officially getting a remaster. Within seconds of the trailer, the crowd exploded. There has been plenty of talk at previous events about a Killer7 remaster, but Suda51 had always expressed that there were no plans in place.

Now though, confirmation from Suda51 states that the aim is to have a remaster completed – and available on Steam – by the end of 2018.

Killer 7 was originally released for the Gamecube and PS2 in 2005.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and info on the remaster as it develops.

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