
Two Point Hospital Releasing August 30, Pre-orders Available Now

Two Point Hospital is a revival of a genre many thought almost dead in the ground. The days of Dungeon Keeper and Black & White being littered throughout the PC space were left in the dust 20 years ago, but that hasn’t stopped the gaming community from remembering their favorites within the genre fondly – even today. For me, that favorite was and always will be Theme Hospital.

If you’ve been chomping at the bit for a new management sim or have been following Theme Hospital successor Two Point Hospital, you may be excited to hear that the game’s release isn’t far off. Developer Two Point Studios and publisher Sega have announced the quirky hospital management sim will be making its way to PC on August 30.

August 30 will signal a return to form for a number of genre veterans, as well as classic developers Lionhead and Bullfrog, both studios being renowned in their prime for charmingly quirky titles.

Fans of Theme Hospital can simply look at Two Point Hospital and feel right at home. Everything about the game’s preview footage and trailers keeps the look and feel of the original game, from building and staff management to keeping patients from barfing their lunch everywhere and contaminating everyone else. The game also promises plenty of new and bizarre ailments for players to chuckle at and stress over.

Two Point Hospital will be making its way to Steam and other digital retailers on August 30 with a price point of $34.99, but you can pre-order now for 10% off. That’s a lot cheaper than going to the operating theater to deal with my broken heart, but I don’t think there’s any curing my bloaty head.

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