Xbox Game Pass is a gaming subscription service that gives you unlimited access to titles in their roster for $9.99 a month. New titles will be added every month to the Xbox Game Pass for you to experience. The pass is only available on Xbox One, but will feature many classic Xbox 360 titles to play.
Microsoft have recently announced the titles they plan to add to their gaming subscription service, Xbox Game Pass. The new titles will be arriving on the 1st of November and will be adding to a roster of more than 100 games.
Some of the titles that will be included are Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Halo Wars and Resident Evil HD. They will be added to a library that already boasts popular titles such as DmC: Devil May Cry, Fable 3 and Gears of War. Additionally, due to the update from November 16th, if you’re a member of the Xbox Game Pass then you will also be able to pin the software to your homepage which makes it simpler to get to the games you want to play.
Nadella, Microsoft’s Chief Executive Officer has praised the service and what it has done for Microsoft overall. The service is still new, but the executives have high hopes for the Xbox Game Pass.
“We now have a subscription offer with Game Pass that’s off to a good start, very good start…able to essentially (be) a Netflix for games.”
– Satya Nadella
The success of the Game Pass could mean to more and more titles being added over time and an increase in the quality of games received in the subscription.
You can find out more about Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service here.
Are you excited for the new games coming to the Game Pass? What games would you like to see Microsoft add in the future? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts!