
Best Buy to Host Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Event

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has every character from the series seeing a valiant return, along with several new characters like Simon Belmont and King K. Rool. If it’s anything like the E3 demo, however, expect a limited roster available for the demo.

Select Best Buy stores will give fighters a chance to try out a demo of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on weekends between September 8 and October 7, ahead of its December 7 launch. Best Buy’s official website teases that prizes will be available alongside the demo.

All Saturday dates for the demo will take place between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., and all Sunday dates will take place between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Here’s a list of all locations and dates the demos will be held:

City Address Date
 New York  1880 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
  September 8-9
San Francisco Bay Area 181 Curtner Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
  September 8-9
Chicago 2100 N. Elston Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
  September 15-16
Los Angeles 3675 Pacific Coast Highway
Torrance, CA 90505
  September 15-16
Minneapolis 1000 West 78th St
Richfield, MN 55423
  September 22-23
Dallas 9378 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231
  September 22-23
 Atlanta 2537 Piedmont Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
  September 29-30
Denver 4100 E Mexico Ave.
Suite A
Denver, CO 80222
  September 29-30
Miami 4001 W 20th Ave.
Hialeah, FL 33012
  October 6-7
Seattle 457 120th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98005
  October 6-7

Expect lots of people, long wait times, and tons of Nintendo Switch and 3DS systems for each event, so come prepared! Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to be the Smash Bros. game with the most amount of content by far. With over 73 playable characters, more than 100 stages, and 800 plus original songs, and a number of mechanic changes,  the demo is almost guaranteed to give only a small taste of what’s to come.

Stay tuned for this week for more Smash Bros. Ultimate and Nintendo Switch News with a Nintendo Direct Thursday, September 6th at 6 p.m. EST.

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