
Destiny 2 Guide to Curse of Osiris’ New Level Cap

Forget Christmas morning or pitching your tent for the midnight showing of The Last Jedi, what Destiny 2 fans have been waiting for all year is now here – the first major content expansion for Bungie’s shared-world shooter, Curse Of Osiris!

Unfortunately, it landed with a rocky start, bringing along a whole lot of pre-load nonsense that ravenous players had to sift through.

However, now that all that silliness is over, you can finally jump into the expansion and explore new areas like Mercury. It’s not just extra locations, loot, and enemies arriving with this long-awaited DLC, however. Players have been clamoring for increases to the oddly low-level XP cap and equipment power level cap since the game’s initial launch – and the developers finally listened!

Ready to meet up with Sagira and kill a couple of thousand Vex while chasing after Osiris?

Destiny 2’s New Level Cap in Curse of Osiris

Starting out at a paltry level 20, the character level cap has blessedly been increased today as Curse Of Osiris officially launches. Everyone who spent any serious time playing the base game reached that almost immediately and has been eagerly awaiting more.

It’s not a huge increase, but the Destiny 2 level cap has now been bumped to 25, offering more progression opportunities for those who devoured the first 20 levels in a week or so.

Of course, hitting max level didn’t mean you were done progressing, as the real metric for your character’s effectiveness (and readiness for those hard end-game raids) is your total power level determined by your gear.

Originally capped at 305, you can now increase your total Destiny 2 light power level 335 (if you use Legendary mods).

What’s On The Horizon For Destiny 2

The newly-increased maximum power level can be hard to reach due to the random nature of loot, with big changes reportedly coming in the near future to make equipment acquisition more reliable in the end game.

While quite a few tweaks to the game arrived with the Destiny 2 1.11 patch and the Curse Of Osiris DLC today, there are several anticipated updates that won’t arrive until later in the month.

For instance, tweaks to the chest lock-out system and changes to faction leaders selling gear for Legendary shards (and selling more gear if you’ve redeemed more engrams) won’t actually arrive until the 12th. Although there’s no date set in stone yet, the coming months are also slated to see a ranked Crucible playlist, private Crucible matches, and protection from exotic duplicates.

What patch changes are you most looking forward to, and have you been trying out the new Curse Of Osiris content yet? Let us know in the comments below!

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