
Fortnite Guide: Stats Not Updating Fix

While the zany (and ultra fun) Fortnite will probably end up on more than a few year-end best of lists, let’s not forget that the third-person shooter is still in beta and isn’t a fully functional game yet.

It’s easy to lose track of that fact with how much new content gets added regularly, from Battle Royale mode to whole-new game mechanics slated to land later this very week.

As a game still in the equivalent of early access, there are obviously some bugs to get worked out – and those are getting more noticeable as literally millions of new players across all three major platforms have jumped on lately.

Fortnite Stats Bug

The biggest problem affecting players since early December has been a curious lack of stat updates in your character profile. If you win a Battle Royale match or take down a whole horde of husks, none of that ever shows up anywhere. Leaderboards and even storm shield defenses have been affected as the bug strikes players on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Besides killing your bragging rights and removing that sense of progression that keeps people coming back to online games, the Fortnite stats not updating bug has caused major headaches for sites like Storm Shield One that collect and display stats on all players in the game.

Here was the official announcement from the Epic crew about stats going offline due to some other problem that needed addressing:

Hopefully that’s true about it not happening again in the future?

There’s been a rather annoying back and forth over the last few days, with updates making it seem like things were working… even though they weren’t quite yet.

We’ve seen announcements of stats going back up at the various Fortnite social media locations, only to then get something like this a few hours later:

Quit getting our hopes up just to dash them again!

The good news is that there’s no actual troubleshooting or game reinstalling you need to do to fix the Fortnite stats bug at this point. As of this morning, the bug has now been officially resolved.

The brief message below was just posted at the official Epic forums straight from the developers. There’s a catch to the long overdue fix, though – while new stats are in fact being added, the old ones aren’t updated at this point.

That means that any wins you got over the last few days still aren’t going to show up for a while.

Huzzah, let the masses rejoice!

Getting Old Fortnite Stats Updated

Old stats that were accrued during the outage are being “back filled,” meaning all your various wins and other stats will be uploaded… sometime. When exactly is this happening?

Yeah, that’s anybody’s guess at this point. It’s a good bet it won’t all be at once, as data is probably added back in waves for different segments of players.

This exact same stats problem did happen once before, much earlier in the beta. For those of us who have been playing all along and remember that dark time, it took about three weeks for everyone to get all their stats added back in properly.

At this point, all you can do is keep playing and be patient (or more likely throw a fit in the forums – but that’s your call). Your wins will show back up sometime along the way, so keep checking back!

Ready to jump back into the action, defending storm shields or taking on 99 other players in the shrinking map? Check out our full list of Fortnite guides here covering every aspect of the base game and the Battle Royale mode!

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