
What does pain during pregnancy mean? Gynecologists explain

Many women during pregnancy remember Sharik’s complaints from his favorite cartoon «Three from Prostokvashino»: «Either the paws ache, or the tail falls off.»

It would seem, enjoy the wait for the baby, but life is constantly making its own adjustments: it will pull the lower abdomen, then shoot in the lower back, then start stabbing in the side. An interesting situation further exacerbates suspiciousness, so I want to put the gynecologist and ambulance phone on a quick dial.

Together with the doctors, we figure out why something hurts all the time during pregnancy and what sensations can be considered relatively normal, and for what symptoms an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

“Pain and discomfort can occur during almost any pregnancy,” says Julia Sergeeva, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Vitromed clinic. — Very often in the first trimester there are minor pains in the lower abdomen. They usually pass at rest. In any case, the doctor who monitors the pregnancy should assess the danger of the condition.

From the very first days of pregnancy, the body prepares for future childbirth. The hormonal background is changing: progesterone is actively produced, which relaxes the muscles and ligaments in order to prepare the uterus and birth canal. It is because of the preparation of the muscular pelvic floor that pulling pains in the lower abdomen occur. They can appear with sudden movements and rises.

— I always tell women: we begin to behave like a graceful doe. We do not get out of bed abruptly, we rise like this: we turn on our side and smoothly begin to get up. The uterus relaxes, and any sudden movement can lead to short-term cramping pain. As a rule, this pain very quickly subsides almost to nothing. You don’t need to be afraid of such pain, it’s just a restructuring of the body, — advises Olesya Vedernikova, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the network of medical centers «Ultrasound Studio».

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy. Dangerous or not?

In the second trimester, lower back pain can be added to the pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to the increasing stress on the spine and muscle frame. Obstetrician-gynecologist Olesya Vedernikova advises discussing such pains at a scheduled appointment with your gynecologist, and to relieve discomfort, do special exercises and do water aerobics, if there are no contraindications.

Also, in the second trimester, the tone of the uterus may increase: the abdomen “turns to stone”. If such a sensation occurs rarely, lasts no more than 10-15 seconds and there is no pain, then this is regarded as the norm. But when pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back join the increase in tone, it is better to contact a doctor or call an ambulance and go to the hospital in order to exclude miscarriage or premature birth.

False contractions during pregnancy. How do you recognize them?

At the end of pregnancy, a woman is overtaken by a new misfortune: training contractions, which are also called false Braxton Hicks contractions. Not everyone has them, but they usually occur between the 34th and 36th weeks of pregnancy.

If you feel pulling pains, then you need to monitor the interval between contractions. As a rule, they are not very painful and rarely occur, for example, every two days. During them, you can do breathing exercises, which are described in the courses of preparation for childbirth — consolidate knowledge in practice and relieve unpleasant sensations.

But if the contractions become regular, more painful and prolonged, then you need to go to the hospital — perhaps the birth is already beginning.

Pain during pregnancy if there are chronic diseases

All pains during pregnancy can be divided into two types: obstetric and non-obstetric. If a woman has chronic diseases, then they can worsen, so be sure to tell your gynecologist about all the diseases.

— Of course, women who have had gynecological operations, especially rupture of the ovary or ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, have more painful sensations. This often leads to adhesions that cause discomfort during pregnancy. Also, pain can occur if the patient has uterine fibroids or congenital malformations of the uterus, — lists the doctor Julia Sergeeva.

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, begins to put pressure on all internal organs, especially the load on the kidneys increases, so pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and gallstone disease may worsen. Very often during pregnancy, women are worried about the intestines — pain and constipation occur. The danger of these pains is that it is difficult to determine, problems with gynecology or intestines, sometimes it even requires observation in a hospital to figure it out.

— There may also be headaches. In this case, it is imperative to monitor blood pressure. If it is more than 140 to 90 or you have flies in your eyes, confusion, it is difficult for you to speak, you need to urgently call an ambulance and contact your obstetrician-gynecologist to determine the treatment tactics, Olesya Vedernikova warns.

Dangerous pain. When is an urgent need to see a doctor?

If you feel a sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the uterus or appendages, stabbing, cutting or cramping, then you should immediately see a doctor. It is also necessary to consult a specialist if the pain gradually increases, even if you started treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

Another dangerous signal is abundant discharge from the genital tract. Scarlet discharge may indicate miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, frozen pregnancy, or placental abruption. And transparent discharge may turn out to be leakage of amniotic fluid, which is dangerous due to the occurrence of oxygen starvation and infections in the child.

In any case, if you have any painful sensations and something worries, you do not need to self-diagnose, it is better to consult a doctor who will help you figure out how normal your condition is.

What else to read about pregnancy? Top 3 texts

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