
All migrants in Russia gathered to monitor via telephone

In Russia, specialized labor exchanges for migrants may appear. About this RIA Novosti reported a source in law enforcement. Security officials also propose creating an application called «Migrant», which will collect all personal information about a person coming up to the information about his health.

The Migrant Workers Union is confident that in the future the application can be used against citizens of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Migrants Federation expressed doubt that such initiatives are generally feasible.

According to the sources of news agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared several options for solving the migration situation: in the short and medium term, taking into account force majeure factors due to the pandemic.

According to one idea, it is necessary to create specialized labor exchanges that will help keep records of legal and illegal migrants in the country. “If a migrant is registered on such an exchange, his status will be established,” the source explained to the agency. As an incentive, migrants will be given medical policies, cash payments, or free food packages.

It is also proposed to consider the option of temporary alternative employment at socially significant facilities. For example, to send migrants to work in nursing homes, urban infrastructure, in the housing sector or in transport.

Interior Ministry experts also proposed to consider the possibility of creating a mobile application, which all migrant workers will be required to install upon entering Russia. The profile will display all the information about the person: biometric data, health information, a criminal record, as well as a “social trust rating”. What the last means and due to what will be formed is not entirely clear. But it is noted that if a migrant refuses to install the application, then his rating will be lowered.

In the most migrant environment, these proposals are treated with caution. Renat Karimov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Migrant Union, told MK: “We in our union call for vigilance for all citizens of the Russian Federation. People, be vigilant. Today it is a migrant “social trust” rating, and tomorrow there will be a “social trust” rating of a Russian citizen.

Today, the migrant’s health status will be written in this application, and tomorrow, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, voted in the election, whether he participated in protests, or whether he is a member of the opposition party.

We think that the initiative to create such an application appeared as follows: the experts sat on isolation for two months and decided to put forward a proposal that, in their opinion, would be positively accepted by the authorities. Every official now sits and thinks, and how would he distinguish himself. And those who are responsible for migrants think: “But let’s come up with this too.”

There is no need for such a social application. Already, there is a database of registration of foreign citizens, which states whether there is a patent or not. If there is, then a person has passed all medical procedures and meets the requirements in order to receive it. And what he is sick with is not the business of the authorities. This is the business of the migrant’s parents, husband, wife.

Sometimes even spouses hide diseases from each other, and they offer to transfer this information to the police. Moreover, these data can then be traded. We are categorically against this application. «

The attitude to the labor exchange is different: “If this helps migrants who have lost their jobs to find jobs, we welcome this. We ourselves would like, as experts in labor migration, to put forward our initiative. It would be advisable for the patent to be extended to the whole of Russia. Now the person who received the patent in Moscow cannot work in the suburbs. He cannot go to the Lipetsk region, where workers are now needed for harvesting berries. It would be good if the Ministry of Internal Affairs instead of its initiatives allowed the migrant with a patent to go where there is work. ”

And here is how Vadim Kozhenov, president of the Federation of Migrants, commented on the situation: “We have a specialized labor exchange in the Federation. It is free for everyone, you can contact. As for the application for migrants, I do not know anything. No one confirms such information. ”

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