
The war with coronavirus began in the gardens

On the eve of the summer season, when we all rush to plant tubers and vegetables (the time is turbulent!), Until yesterday, a special order to open seed sales in the Moscow region did not work at the seed store retail store of the Potato Research Institute. The issue of online orders has just begun here.

Meanwhile, even the UN warns that because of the coronavirus pandemic this year, “a biblical famine” may arise in the world. Where to go to the poor peasant and city dweller?

The ruble falls, food, respectively, rises in price — will grubs be available to mere mortals? And then there are 6 or 10 acres, they will be enough if not completely, then at least partially to cover the need for products. As they say, the work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.

What to do and where to start? Quarantine, restrictions on movement …

However, experts advise not to panic.

With a patch of land of only 6 acres, you can fully provide the average family with potatoes and vegetables. Moreover, with just one hundred parts with skillful cultivation, you can collect 10 bags of «second bread». For a family of 3-5 people it will be enough and intercepted.

It will remain even for barter exchange — if things with the economy in the country really go badly and you have to switch to in-kind exchange of goods.

However, there is one “but.”

— In no case do not buy food tubers for seeds in stores! — warned in the Union of Russian potato growers. — We need only seed potato varieties zoned for summer cottages!

Gardeners engaged in potato growing for 25-30 years, especially pay attention to hybrid foreign varieties that need to be bypassed the 10th road. Yes, their seeds delight the highest yields. But it is the seeds. But food tubers will not give any germination.

But where today, these days, to get hold of planting material? Without which, all Muscovites food programs will fail well?

Specialized markets, “Life Shops” by region are also closed now, and there’s no point in planting that without hitting.

The sites of delivery companies offer different types of seeds (Nevsky. Sineglazka, Meteor), 150 rubles per kilogram.

But here there is a significant “but.” Delivery companies operate mostly semi-legally, at their own peril and risk, until they come across. They are officially closed too. MK experts urge the authorities to urgently legalize them and remove them “from the shadows”, as the Moscow Region authorities did. So that in the current conditions, when you can’t leave the garden again, they will deliver seeds, fertilizers, and plant protection products to addresses.

And it would also be nice to finance at least pensioners to carry out field work. Not everyone today has a stash to get everything you need.

Who knows, maybe supermarkets will buy surplus from their gardens in the fall?

Novice citizens who have a busy work schedule, удал udalenka ’and in general, day and night service, are worried that on May holidays, when they go to the gardens, they will not have time to make landings. Can sowing dates be shifted?

Suppose that the period of self-isolation in the Moscow region lasts until June 1.

How then to be?

Potatoes, our “second bread”, can also be planted in beds in June. Experienced peasants say that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers determined the planting time simply: they sat with their bare ass on prepared beds — and if it wasn’t very cold, they got down to business. Now in the suburbs it is still cool, it is not necessary to go to such bold experiments.

In addition, it has been tested in practice: planting tubers in late May and early June does not attract the Colorado potato beetle to your hundreds.

Beginning «farmers», who decided to create their own food safety shield, are urged not to rush. Go from simple to complex.

One of the economy options that doesn’t “tear your navel down” is to have a bird.

For an ordinary family, three layers are enough. In a month they will give 60 eggs, this is quite enough for food.

For starters, you can take chickens only for the spring-summer period, from May to September. In this case, experts recommend buying a one-year-old bird, which is about 150 rubles. And you can not bother with the chicken coop. Roughly speaking, a large cardboard box, a canopy from the rain and some kind of net from cats.

In the experimental farm of the Research Institute of Poultry (Sergiev Posad City District), we were told that if we proceed from maximum productivity, then you can imagine nothing better than the final hybrids of industrial crosses. Breeds “White”, “Brown”, SP789 per year give an average of 320 eggs. If summer residents want to get prettier birds to make their eyes happy, then their productivity is slightly lower — about 250 eggs a year.

For those who do not plan to visit the cottage once a week, but to live permanently, experts advise 4-month-old hens of industrial crosses. They cost 300 rubles and in a week or two they will begin to lay eggs, 5-month-old beautiful ones — 400 rubles. You can also ask the private trader — if the quarantine conditions allow movement, search for a more suitable option.

You can get meat and egg chickens: for example, «Pushkin Jubilee», «Moscow Black».

Will there be an economic effect of 3-4 hens? A moot point. In theory, an egg in network trading is cheaper. Anyway, bye.

But you need to consider that your own poultry is always better than the store one. You know what you feed her. The owner will always plant grass with nettle and alfalfa. This is provitamin A, which is very valuable for the body, and then you will spend it all winter.

Homemade egg — diet (first 7 days), it has more vitamins. There is no market for a dietary egg in the country, everything is in the shops in the stores.

An ordinary chicken eats 110 grams per day, meat and dairy — 120 balanced compound feeds. That is, for a month for such a livestock you will need only about 10-11 kilograms of feed.

But their own — and the price tags in stores will not scare!

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