The MICEX index will grow at the opening of trading amid the rise of Asian stock indices and futures for European and American counterparts.
In the first half of the day, the ruble will try to strengthen against the dollar thanks to the payment of insurance premiums on Monday. The general weakening of the dollar against the euro also helps due to the statements of the head of the ECB about the possible extension of the program for the buyback of assets from the market.
In addition, the ruble is supported by the rise in oil prices due to the decrease in the reserves of crude oil, gasoline, and distillates in the United States. However, in the afternoon, the dollar will try to strengthen in anticipation of the publication of statistics on the consumer price index and retail sales.
Russian institutional and private investors are enthusiastic about the primary market. So, during the current week, a whole range of corporate and sub-federal issuers passed, and the demand exceeded supply several times, and in some cases, 10 times.
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