Employees from the US Special Prosecutor’s Office, Robert Muller, interrogated the former White House Chief of Staff, Reins Pribas, in connection with an investigation into allegations of Russia’s interference in the US presidential election in 2016. This was announced on Friday by CNN.
According to his sources, this conversation took place earlier that day. No information is provided on its content.
Politico also published a statement by lawyer Pribasa William Burke. The lawyer said that the former head of the White House office voluntarily agreed to talk with Muller’s subordinates. “He was happy to answer all their questions,” Burke pointed out. According to the sources of the publication, Prybas prepared for a conversation for several weeks.
According to Politico, Muller’s office intends to talk with other former and current employees of the presidential administration Donald Trump. They include former White House spokesman Shaun Spicer, White House Legal Counsel Donald McGhan, and White House Communications Director Hope Hicks.
Raines Pribas
As previously reported in September, The Washington Post newspaper, according to the special prosecutor, these individuals could have witnessed several episodes related to the investigation, including Trump’s decision to dismiss FBI ex-director James Komi.
In addition, investigators believe that these individuals had access to important documents. At present, in connection with the alleged interference of the Russian Federation in the American elections, the FBI and special intelligence committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States are conducting investigations. In mid-May, the Justice Ministry announced the appointment of the former FBI director Muller as special prosecutor to conduct another such independent trial.
Trump and his key assistants have repeatedly rejected any suspicion of any inappropriate contact with Russian officials during the election campaign. Moscow has also denied allegations of attempts to influence the course of presidential elections in the United States many times.