
The author of the idea to equate radical feminists with extremists: «Their problem is that they are not married.»

Andrei Tsyganov, head of the Roskomnadzor commission for the protection of children from destructive content, proposed recognizing LGBT, radical feminism, childfree and lesser-known furries «at least extremists» in order to untie the hands of Roskomnadzor.

«Fontanka», like many others, was impressed by the amplitude of the swing and decided to find out the details from the author of the statement. How does a father with many children know who the furries are and where they live? Are there feminists who are useful to society? At what point does the unwillingness to have children become extremism?

Andrey Tsyganov honestly answered all the questions, except for one: where to find a normal man? A face-to-face meeting would be required to address this fundamental problem.

You suggested that “all sorts of these LGBT ideology, radical feminism, all these furries, childfree” be recognized as “at least extremism”. Why exactly such a set? Or will the list expand?

— Of course, it will expand. The news does not even mention a complete list of the phenomena that I mentioned the day before in the Parents‘ Chamber. I would like to clarify that many media outlets have distorted my status. I acted as the chairman of the expert council of our parent structure — the institution of the Public Commissioner for the Protection of the Family. I am also the chairman of the commission of the public council for combating destructive content under Roskomnadzor. But in this case, I acted as a parent. My quote has been taken out of context. But I subscribe to it. And I am sure that the absolute majority of parents will subscribe to it, at least those who have a head on their shoulders.

This is by no means all of what we consider to be destructive content for which a legal framework needs to be introduced. Our children today are brought up in a very toxic environment, which is practically not controlled in any way. We have a concept of prohibited content. And to influence it, law enforcement agencies and Roskomnadzor have a certain set of mechanisms. But there is a huge number of adjacent areas, gray areas, where preparation for criminal manifestations is taking place, as a result of which we get school shootings and other terrible things.

— And what are these «gray areas»? TikTok , games, something else?

— TikTok is just one of the platforms. And one of the most dangerous networks, because there is no need to think. It is based on calls for repetition. And they often suggest repeating destructive practices. We have a lot of complaints from parents about TikTok.

— When your statement began to be discussed in the editorial office, many had to google what «furry» is. How do you know what it is? And what is so terrible about harmless people with fur ears?

— There is nothing harmless here. This is a classic engagement funnel. There is something conditionally harmless on the facade, some kind of animals. And we fall a little deeper and see that there is pedophilia, bestiality and other horrors. It’s just that we, parents, as a rule, don’t even know these things. We do not know that the main danger today comes not even from social networks, but from instant messengers. For example, today at the commission we discussed that in the AppStore and GoogleMarket there are several applications in the public domain where hundreds of thousands of pedophiles graze. One such application, which I do not even want to name, has about 30 million downloads. Under the guise of fun, games, children download an absolutely destructive thing and can find themselves in a really dangerous situation. Parents, on the other hand, cannot always control what the child is doing on the phone.

— Do the children tell you about it themselves? Where do you get your information from?

— From parents, including those whose children have suffered. Including because of suicide groups. Unfortunately, there are a very large number of such children. You can’t even imagine how scary everything is in this information environment. 15 million teenagers from Russia play online games. And this is a territory outside the legal framework of the Russian Federation: more than 90% of these games are located on American servers. Both the recruitment and the reflashing of consciousness take place there. Kazan killer Galyaviev, according to media reports, spent 550 hours in Counter-Strike. And there he earned money for the murder weapon. This is the environment in which terrible crimes are brewed and about which we, adults, do not know. Our rulemaking has lagged far behind this acidic environment that rewires our kids.

— In China, they have solved the problem radically: they have limited the opportunity for children to play computer games to three hours a week. Would you like to repeat this?

— There are two ways in this regard. One is conditionally Chinese, which Belarus is trying to follow. But it does not have the technical capabilities that China has. The second is conventionally European. The Chinese version proceeds from the sovereignization of the information space. In China, anonymity on the Internet has been abolished since 2016. And in November of this year, a law banning the cross-border transfer of personal data will come into force there. This will force multinational corporations to move servers to them so that the relevant services in China can monitor what is happening there. They have their own autonomous Internet, their own social networks and search engines. In this regard, the Chinese have a lot to learn. I will say more. They not only limited time on the Internet for teens, but also banned the display of effeminate men. The European way is more liberal, although not as liberal as in Russia. There, on the contrary, they protect anonymity on the Internet. But there are some limitations: for example, in many European countries you can register on social networks only from the age of 21. And we have no such restrictions.

— Let’s move on to adult issues. How will you distinguish radical from non-radical feminism? Will not non-radical feminism be considered extremism?

— We will distinguish by expert means. As for non-radical feminism, I will say this. Feminism as a phenomenon in our country has mutated from the classical one, which boiled down to the protection of women’s rights, to the current stage, which consists of man-hatred, child-hatred and all sorts of anti-family and anti-demographic attitudes.

— That is, if a feminist is married and gave birth to a child, she is not radical?

— I have not seen such feminists. As a rule, when they get married, they cease to be feminists. The trouble with most feminists is that they are not married, have never been there, and, apparently, they have little chance. They can only be pitied. But why smear your complexes on everyone else and infect them with your negative energy?

— So there are radical and non-radical feminists? Who are the main representatives of the Radfem?

— You want to catch me on some questions to which experts should answer.

— No, I honestly want to figure it out.

— If you want to figure it out, let’s try. In our opinion, what is happening with this phenomenon now surpasses all reasonable manifestations. In the West, the growth of these sentiments led to a family crisis. To the millions-strong rallies in Spain, where a crowd of maddened witches is ready to crucify and burn people. They go against their nature. Because giving birth and raising children is in the nature of a woman. This is normal, this is happiness and the meaning of existence. And they impose an anti-natural, unnatural algorithm of behavior. And they do it harshly, using threats, pressure, information technologies. This is a very dangerous trend.

I have not seen rallies of feminists in our country who would call for men to be hung on lanterns.

— Apparently, they just haven’t got the money for this business. We saw chains of single pickets. And most of our women are normal, demanded and beautiful. The situation is not as dire as in Europe. Therefore, you do not see them. There are a lot of them mentioned in the media, but in life there are very few of them. And the vast majority of women in our country correspond to their nature. But we, representatives of Russian organizations, see them. Last year we lost a lot of nerve cells, resisting the feminist bill — the so-called «prevention of domestic violence», which has nothing to do with violence. It is simply a tool for promoting feminist LGBT ideology. And we saw these crazy women who are usually foreign agents as well. And funded from the same funds that promote pederasty.

— Are there good feminists who are useful to society?

— I did not see.

— And in our country, women’s rights are not infringed in any way? Are they paid the same for the same work as men, do they not face a double burden at work and at home, are they not offended in divorce?

— Firstly, this is a question from another opera. And quite controversial. Under the Family Code, who has more rights? We know that in most cases the child stays with the mother. In fact, women have much more rights. And according to the Labor Code too. I don’t know any normative acts that would regulate the selectivity in the appointment of salaries. Nobody offends women here. And it is wrong to demand from a woman what is contrary to her nature. When I see a woman who is a sleeper, my heart contracts. A woman should not sit at the levers of a tank or tractor and work in a hot workshop.

But there are women who really dream of being metro drivers because of the list of dangerous professions. And until recently, they were forbidden. But such women drivers have already appeared in Moscow and are quite happy.

— I don’t know anything about typists in the Moscow metro. Perhaps, if they were forbidden to do so, there was some reason for this.

— You talked about aggressive, evil feminists. The description recalled another phenomenon. How are Vladislav Pozdnyakov and his «Male State» better than radical feminists? Why don’t you want to recognize him as an extremist?

— I’m not very familiar with the work of this character. But I can say that radical feminism can also be masculine. Any extremes, extremism and calls for violence against, in particular, members of the opposite sex cannot be considered normal.

— And how is childfree different from people who just do not want to have children?

— First of all, by aggression. That is why we are talking about equating their ideology with extremist. Childfree is not just a reluctance to have children, it is an aggressive imposition of one’s position. Look at all these groups about «mothers», memes and pictures of children who are drowned in the toilet or burned with an iron. Some kind of nightmare.

Is this really childfree doing?

— This phenomenon also mutates. Now it’s just some kind of Satanism. For both radical feminists and childfree, their holy grail counterpoint is women’s right to abortion. To kill your child. And for some reason no one thinks about the rights of this child and the father of this child. About society, about demography in a country that loses a million people a year. We do not want our girls to have abortions, to have divorces and promiscuous sex. Moreover, it is not only we, as representatives of civil society, who do not want to. Our government began to talk about this. We have a national security strategy, new articles in the Constitution, which speak of the priority of common interests over private ones. Feminists and others live with malice, for the sake of destroying someone else’s happiness, because only in a family can a person be happy. When these people go on the warpath and start calling others to do so, we say that their behavior is toxic and dangerous to society. They are financed by Western funds and are investing quite a lot of money in them. And these people simply have time for such calls, which people who are busy raising children and making money do not have. They invade our living space. And we don’t want to let them go there.

— Let’s say I am a woman who does not want to have children and does not plan to want to. At what point will I become an extremist?

— At the moment when you start actively promoting calls to get rid of children, not to have children, to conduct subversive work. But I hope this does not concern you. And as for people who should be isolated from society and do not deserve to be somehow promoted and invited to TV channels. Today I, apparently, will have to communicate with such representatives on TV.

“I think they’ll line up to talk to you.”

— Humanly, it remains only to pity them and wish them to find a good man, start a family, have children and forget about their foolishness.

— Andrei Borisovich, where can I find a good guy? This is a fundamental problem! Deficit at the present time.

— I have an answer to this question. And very simple. Good men must be raised. Raise boys and raise men from them. And from girls — women.

— So what about adult women? I can’t take a boy and raise him for myself. This is somehow wrong. And for a long time. What should those who want a normal guy do now?

— The question is interesting … Somewhat goes beyond the usual questions. At a personal meeting, I might have come up with some more original answer. But seriously, of course, we need to educate children. And start with yourself. From your environment, your passions. I am forced to appeal to our unconscious, which is built, whether you want to admit it or not, on the Orthodox worldview. We are a Russian Orthodox civilization. We have certain archetypes embedded in us. If we correspond to them, then we will be able to raise children accordingly.

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