
At Rixos hotels opens fitness centers with the World Class

Recently in Moscow “the house on Volhonka” World Class luxurious hotels sign agreement: within three years, the chain of fitness clubs will train coaches and pereformuliruem gyms hotels under the brand of World Class. The partnership project will cover eight countries in the presence Rixos: Russia, Turkey, Switzerland, UAE, Egypt, Croatia, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

“Rixos hotels are renowned all inclusive system. But we realized that unlimited food is no longer enough to satisfy our guests. People want to feel good easily, to be alert and vigilant,” – said Akif Tamince, member of the Board of Directors of Rixos Hotels.

“People who are on holiday abroad or in your own country, don’t want to spend time passively, now another generation, another trend in the world – the desire to be healthy, to be fit to change yourself for the better, – says Olga Sloutsker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RFG and the President of a network fitness-clubs World Class. Something that chose us is a great honor, and we will not fail!”

March 1 for all members of the World Class club, Rixos Sungate began to operate the special rates on accommodation. And on April 1 the hotel will be training programs World Class.

“The pilot project will be the Rixos Sungate hotel, located in Kemer (Turkey). Already on 1 April this year, guests will be able to start training, meet all the quality standards of our network”, – said Igor Shashkin, Director of development at franchise World Class.

“The fitness clubs at Rixos will be at the highest level. Professionalism is World Class – that’s 25 years of experience (many years throughout the fitness industry in Russia!). This whole experience we will bring to our cooperation”, – stressed Nikolay Pryanishnikov, the General Director of “Russian Fitness Group”.

“In all the Rixos hotels have gyms, but early guests are not very actively visited. Before the tourist season all of our coaches receive training from experts World Class. Together we will conduct a fitness festivals: in 2018 we have planned a World Class Fest, says Derya Billur, CEO of Rixos Sungate. – Inspired by this collaboration of Rixos Sungate, we will create a Fit Corner cafe of healthy food”.

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