In 2017, the current costs of the Novovoronezh NPP (a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC) for environmental protection amounted to 950.098 million rubles. This was announced on August 16, 2018 during a public presentation of the report on the environmental safety of the nuclear power plant for 2017, which took place at the Atomic Energy Information Center in Voronezh.
During the presentation, the heads of the departments of environmental protection and radiation safety of the nuclear power plant informed representatives of environmental organizations and teachers of Voronezh about the state of the environment in the region where the nuclear power plant is located and the implementation of environmental measures of the NNPP in 2017.
“The provision of radiation control at the NPPP power units, in its sanitary protection zone and in the observation zone, as well as the state of the parameters characterizing the radiation safety of the NPP during operation, confirm the absence of a negative impact of the nuclear power plant on the environment and the population living around the NPP,” said Olga Rosnovskaya , head of the radiation control laboratory.
Note that in 2017, the Novovoronezh NPP was awarded two important awards. For the effective implementation of environmental policy and a great contribution to the preservation of the environment The non-governmental environmental fund named after V.I. Vernadsky awarded the staff of the nuclear power plant with a Certificate of Honor, and the regional department of Rosprirodnadzor awarded a certificate for his great contribution to environmental protection.
At a public presentation, it was also noted that the environmental component of the facility is under special control, both by the nuclear scientists themselves and by the state supervisory authorities.
“Many years of experience in operating the NVNPP show that the environment in the influence zone of the nuclear power plant and the 30-kilometer zone remains stably safe,” said Tatyana Sokolova, a leading expert at the Interregional Directorate No. 33 of the FMBA of Russia, doctor.
She also emphasized that during the implementation of the project and the construction of the NNPP-2, all requirements of safety standards and rules were also taken into account, which ensures the well-being of the population and the environment during the operation of the NNPP-2.
For the fifth year now, the Atomic Energy Information Center has become one of the venues for the presentation of the environmental report of the NNPP. The second platform for the public presentation of the report will be the nuclear power plant itself. On September 3, it is planned to hold a seminar on environmental issues and the results of an external audit of the environmental management system (EMS) of the NVPP in 2018.
The event was attended by representatives of Rosatom, the operating organization, supervisory authorities (authorized in the field of environmental protection and nature management), public organizations of the region, educational institutions of the city of nuclear scientists and the Voronezh region, as well as leaders and employees of the NNPP. The seminar will cover environmental issues in the region. Nuclear scientists will inform about the measures taken for implementation following the results of the international audit and about the good practices in the field of safety culture.
Novovoronezh NPP: the city budget will receive 300 million rubles for infrastructure development
In 2018, the budget of Novovoronezh will receive more than 300 million rubles. Within the framework of the agreement between Rosatom and the regional government, money will be invested in road repair and further development of urban infrastructure. This was announced by the head of the administration of the city district Sergey Chestikin during a visit of representatives of executive authorities on Wednesday, July 25.
Director of Novovoronezh NPP Vladimir Povarov spoke about the features and advantages of innovative 3+ generation power units with VVER-1200 reactors. The guests were able to verify the safety and high level of technical equipment of the Novovoronezh NPP by visiting the new 3+ generation units.
Representatives of the government visited the control room block, in the machine room of power unit No. 1 of the NVAES-2 (No. 6 of the NVAES), got acquainted with the complete switchgear (switchgear), and visited the central control panel (CSC). At power unit No. 2 of NVAES-2 (No. 7 of NVAES), the guests were shown the field engineering center.
Also, representatives of executive authorities visited key social facilities of the city of Novovoronezh.
The head of the administration of the city district Sergey Chestikin emphasized that the city’s appearance began to change with the beginning of the construction of new power units and the conclusion in 2012 of the Agreement between Rosatom State Corporation and the Government of the Voronezh Region on the allocation of additional tax deductions for social and economic events. At the expense of these funds, educational institutions and objects of the urban environment are being repaired, large infrastructure facilities have been built: the multifunctional Start stadium, the Martial Arts Center, and the Ice Arena.