
TV habits of Russian-speaking Israelis. Survey results

A survey on the topic «Television habits of Russian-speaking Israelis» has been completed on the NEWSru.co.il website. 3.397 respondents took part in the poll, which was conducted during one day on October 9-10, (2.934 of them answered all 23 questions).


Let us emphasize that we are not talking about a rigorous sociological study (not a single Internet survey without a sample of participants cannot be classified as such). Nevertheless, we consider the obtained results to be indicative, since thousands of readers of NEWSru.co.il, Zahav.ru and other Israeli Russian-language online media participated in it. Many of the results in the section «Television habits» are confirmed by the data of a study by the PORI institute, which was carried out this spring at the request of our editorial office.

«Consumer Map»

One of the main conclusions of the survey: our readers are conservative in their choice — for six years, the percentage of HOT and Yes clients among them has hardly changed, although over the years many alternatives have appeared. 30% of survey participants ceased to be clients of these companies, but, in total, the number of HOT and Yes clients among our readers during this period decreased by only 3% (obviously due to attracting new clients). And yet, the number of those who switched to Internet television has noticeably increased.

27% of participants in the new survey said they are Yes customers, 20% — HOT customers (in 2011, the ratio was: 29% — Yes, 21% — HOT).

6% said they are clients of Kartina TV, 2% — Cellcom TV, 1% — RedMax TV. Other companies named in the survey, including Partner TV, have less than 1% of our readership. At the same time, 10% of respondents chose the answer «I am a subscriber of other IPTV companies», and 3% said: «I watch TV over the Internet and do not remember which company I pay.» 13% chose the answer: «I watch TV over the Internet for free.» About 1.5% said, «I am connected to a free package of terrestrial broadcasting channels (DDT).» More than 12% stated that they do not watch TV at all (including via the Internet).

At the same time, 19% were and still are Yes customers, 15% were and remain HOT customers, 7% said they had moved from HOT to Yes, 4% moved from Yes to HOT. 15% chose the answer: «Was a HOT client, moved to another company, but not Yes (or abandoned TV)» 14% chose the answer: «Was a Yes client, moved to another company, but not HOT (or abandoned TV ) «.

27% of those surveyed said that they completely switched to Internet TV (in 2011, there were only 6% of them). 38% watch individual TV programs via the Internet that interest them. Those who use exclusively «conventional television» today are 24%.

«Television habits»

The vast majority of survey participants have a TV at home. Moreover, 56% of those who answered our questions have several televisions at home. And only 10.5% had none.

12.5% ​​regularly watch TV programs on a smartphone or tablet. 29% occasionally use such devices to watch TV programs. 57% never use them for this purpose.

63% of respondents watch TV every day, most of them more than 2 hours a day. 17% said they don’t watch TV. And 26% chose the answer: “I don’t watch TV regularly or I don’t watch TV at all”.

The average age of those who watch TV every day or almost every day is 58 years.

23% of those surveyed said they watch TV news several times a day. The same percentage, 23%, watch TV news once a day. 15.5% watch TV news several times a week, 7% — no more than once a week. 29% said they do not watch TV news.

The readers of NEWSru.co.il were asked the question: “If an important event of interest to you occurs, what sources of news information do you usually use? 49% watch TV, 26% look for information on social networks (Facebook, etc.), 23% listen to the radio, 5% read newspapers.

Over the past six years, the priorities in what content our readers watch on TV have changed somewhat. At present, these are, first of all, films — 62.5% (in 2011 — 48.5%), and only secondarily news — 57% (six years ago — 51%). 43% of respondents watch TV series (in 2011, there were only 22% of them). 43% watch educational programs (six years ago — 30%), 31.5% — entertainment programs (22.5%), 27% — sports (19%).

Russian television programs continue to be watched by 44.5% of our readers (in 2011 there were 42.5% of them), Ukrainian — 11% (5%). At the same time, 34% watch Israeli TV programs (25% six years ago).

Judging by the responses of the survey participants, many of them do not confidently attribute Channel 9 to «Israeli TV». Although when answering the question «What Israeli TV channels do you watch?» 50% of respondents named Channel 9, as noted above, when answering the question «What do you / your family watch on TV?» only 34% chose the answer «Israeli TV programs».

The rating of Israeli TV channels among our readers looks like this: 1) 9th Russian-speaking — 50%, 2) 10th — 34%, 3) 2nd — 33%, 4) Kan 11th (1st) — 18 %, 5) iLand Russian-speaking — 12%, 6) itonTV Russian-speaking — 5%, 7) 20th — 4%, 8) 99th (Knesset channel) — less than 2%.

Almost 85% of respondents watch TV programs and films in Russian, 45% — in Hebrew, 19% — in English.

About one in three of those who immigrated no more than 10 years ago watch TV programs in Hebrew. Moreover, among those who have lived in Israel for 11-20 years, such 41%, 21-25 years — 48%, more than 25 years — 61%.

When watching programs not in Russian, 52% prefer dubbing, 22% — subtitles, 19% — neither one nor the other. 7.5% found it difficult to answer the question about translation preferences.

Readers were asked the question: «Who is the main consumer of TV content in your family?» (It was possible to choose several answers.) The answers were distributed as follows: adults of working age (18-64) — 48%, pensioners (65+) — 40%, small children (under 10 years old) — 12%, adolescents (10- 17 years old) — 10%.

Less than 20% of them who have children at home set restrictions on TV viewing for minors.

75.5% of respondents stated that they usually watch TV in the evening (18-24 hours), 15% — during the day (12-18 hours), 14% — in the morning (6-12 hours), 4% — at night (0-6 hours ).

30% regularly download films and TV series via the Internet, another 25% do it occasionally.

At the same time, only 13% of respondents use services of paid ordered video content (Video on demand, VOD). So, for example, less than 20% of Yes customers use the additional paid service Yes VOD, among HOT customers there are less than 12% subscribers to VOD. We emphasize that this is an assessment based on the results of an online survey, and not a rigorous research based on company reports.

Costs, attitudes towards «pirates» and reasons for abandoning TV

33% of respondents spend more than 200 shekels on TV every month. 12% stated that they watch TV for free (recall that consumers of the free DDT package among the survey participants are only 1.5%). On average, those who watch TV spend about 140 shekels a month.

The main reasons for the possible abandonment of TV within six years have not changed. These are, first of all, high prices (54%), lack of interesting programs (46%), unsatisfactory service (28%) and lack of time (15%).

Only 25% of those surveyed said they were not ready to watch TV with the help of a «pirate» company. 42% said that the price, quality and content of the package are exclusively important to them, and whether the supplier company sells «pirated» content or not, they do not care. 33% found it difficult to give a definite answer to this question.

It is noteworthy that only 34.5% of the survey participants said that they cannot imagine their life without a TV (for comparison, 78% of our readers cannot imagine life without a mobile phone). 45% said they imagine their life without TV, although they watch it.

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